Wednesday, March 31, 2010


+ Snow is water and water typically represents the emotions and/or the unconscious and/or the intuition. Since snow is frozen one might conclude that snow therefore represents an emotional coldness or a kind of emotional paralysis
+ Snow is white. White is often a symbol of purity. In alchemy, white was the symbolic color of purification: the color of having stripped oneself bare of all that was no longer needed to move on to a higher level of existence.
+ Snow may also symbolize innocence. Rarely is there a child who is not exciting at the prospect of snow or who is fascinated by it. A dream of snow may be indicating that you are regaining some of your ability to look at the world through an adult's eyes but with the wonder of a child's heart
+ Snow dreams happen throughout the year and if you relate positively to snow and it is falling at an odd time of year, this may indicate an unexpected, happy event in your life.

-  What the hell?!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


One year ago, being here, like this, feeling these feelings, would have been the wildest dreams, the craziest chances. I understand that, and I'm kinda happy and proud of it. And I think I said "thank you" enough. But there is still a part in this life that sucks, really really sucks. You know what I'm talking about. I never thought that life would be fair, but I believed you were. Therefore, listen: I want my share in that, and I want it now, just cause I really need it. So, stop acting all GOD-ish, and give it to me.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Hey you up there! This was not our deal! This whole school shit were supposed to end up this week, but you are making me work twice on each of them. What's got in to you man? Do you really enjoy this mess? Do I really look that funny from up there?! Anyways, either you stop and take care of this craziness or I start looking for a new god...
Why? because I said so. :-|

Monday, March 08, 2010


I bruise easily, so be gentle when you're touching me...


Never listen to old music play-lists. There is always a song, that brings back a whole lot of feelings, memories, and moments. Things that have been buried all these times. Things that cost you tears, sadness, nostalgia and loneliness to be buried.
You should set passwords for them, not the usual ones, so that after a certain time, you forget them as well. This is the survival secret...

Second round

I've been here before. And I went the wrong way. I got hurt, to the core. All the logic, the boundaries I knew fell apart. Now I am back at the same spot. Wanna go the other way.
Then, I knew I'm gonna get hurt, cause everything was falling apart, and I did nothing. I just watched. And all those things happened. I can't tolerate this one more time. I wanna enjoy this, and leave it when it gets ugly... I wanna stop caring...

Rule 2

I am not friendly here, do not bring guests.

Rule - 1

If you are here, then you are close. Do not cheat on my friendship. I am already hurt.


This is not a diary. It is a locker, full of hidden secrets, hidden words, hidden emotions; hidden things I wanna show...

Thursday, March 04, 2010


The reason I don't put the chairs back under the table, is that I still like to imagine you sitting on them. There is nothing romantic about this, it is more sensual, more comforting than romance.

I like having you in my life. :)

The gem...

There are moments in your life, that you feel lonely. You feel like no one is out there for you. You run out of hopes, dreams... You have to dig deeper then, cause there is something deep inside of you, that can change everything, no matter what...